Stormy Weather

March came in like a lamb here in Taos, but is leaving us like a lion.

The past few days have been stormy, rainy, slushy and quite cold. Sweaters and jackets have been pulled out of the back of closets and are back in daily rotation.

Taoseno’s generally don’t pack too much away too soon, and boots definitely stay around till Mud Season has passed.

There’s no snow to speak of on the ground this morning – just mud and puddles of muddy water, but the mountain is covered in the white stuff.

Taos Ski Valley is open till mid-April and they are not complaining at all. It’s been a great season for the Ski Resort, and it’s not over yet.

Soon it will all be melted, filling the rivers and streams. The acequias will be cleaned and opened and gardens will grow and bloom. Warm weather is just a breath away but right now it’s cloudy, wet and cold.

I’m bundling up to go out for my morning walk. Have a great day and I’ll be back on Friday with more from Taos.


These photographs were taken yesterday in the Ski Valley by Derek Hart, who is taoStyle’s Ski Photographer extraordinaire.