Three Sisters At Shree Yoga



It’s planting season along the Rio Grande and for centuries the Northern Pueblos have planted corn, beans and squash side by side; the three sisters.

Three Sisters 11_17_Artboard 3

Fitting then that Jackie Cordova, Tracy Rae and Lyla June Johnston, three local singer-songwriters should bill themselves as Three Sisters, who will bring their distinct “lyrical message of liberation, love for creation and unification in three dynamic sets back to back” at Shree Yoga Taos this Saturday afternoon (June 11th) from 3-6pm.

This is a benefit concert for Gathering of Eagles and HEART of Taos (see links to both organizations below this post).

Honoring the Southwestern seeds that nourished and sustained Indigenous Peoples, an affordable Three Sisters Meal (corn, beans and squash) will be served to help raise more funds for these organizations. Admission is sliding scale $10-$20.

The annual Gathering of Eagles was founded many years ago, based on the vision of Black Elk where he, “saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father.”

This year’s gathering will be held at the Borderlands Education Center in Hill City, South Dakota. All are welcome to come and the event is obviously free of charge since it is a sacred gathering.


Some of the funds being raised by these young women will go to the South Dakota event for port-o-potties, elder accommodations, kitchen supplies, etc. For more information, click on the link below this post.

H.E.A.R.T. of Taos stands for Hope, Empowerment, Advocacy, Respect and Transitional housing. ((

Created to empower and support women experiencing homelessness, the foundation provides emergency and transitional housing, additional support services including individual and group counseling, peer and program advocates, and a step-by-step action plan that includes assistance in securing eligible government benefits, community services, employment, and permanent affordable personal residences. Because this organization does not want to be beholden to any government or other funding restrictions, they rely on independent funding sources.

“One of the greatest highs in this life is the joy of service. It beats all the drugs I was addicted to as a teenager and it is this outlet of service that eventually liberated me from this those addictions.” Says Lyla June Johnston. “We are honored to share this space of service with the whole community of Taos at  Shree Yoga’s studio; a space that take their service to the community seriously.”


Shree Yoga offers free community yoga classes and do their best to bring health and healing to people’s lives and I have found that when we click into that state of selfless service to Creator’s vision of health, we begin to realize our design as unified, joyous and compassionate community.” She explained. “In this way, we honor the Spirit of our Ancestors who all once had this precious way of lifting each other up in times of struggle.”



All images c/o Lyla June Johnston


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