Golightly; Chocolate & Cashmere For The Holidays
I’ve been covering Chocolate & Cashmere since the inception of this blog.
Exquisite silver, Zapotec and Navajo rugs, fabulous Americana, great cowboy boots and hats of course, antique shops, chic boutiques, hand crafted leather goods, natural beeswax candles, rare maps, fire-blackened pottery and many other curiosities and treasures are to be found, if one avoids at all cost, the obvious.
We’ll let you in on a few local secrets here.
I’ve been covering Chocolate & Cashmere since the inception of this blog.
The Taos Wool Festival Celebrates its 36th year!
Happy Birthday to Taos Blue and Sue Westbrook!
Bent Street was one of the early residential streets in Taos.
On Wednesdays we go shopping.
Today I arrive full circle, aqui en Taos.
Clearly Bent Street is steeped in history.
If walls could talk…
This week, taoStyle celebrates SWAIA.
Summer in Taos is magpie heaven!
Just here for a short trip.
Spring has arrived at Taos Blue on Bent Street!