
  The ever chic, former Vogue editor, Grace Coddington once remarked, that the only thing a women really needs to add to her wardrobe for Winter, is a new coat!


  Chokola Bean to Bar is a small-batch, organic, crafted, bean-to-bar chocolate maker in historic Taos, New Mexico.


“Where’s the Magic Shop?” I overheard a woman asking her friend as they strolled along Kit Carson Road.


Nathan Pellerin recalls hiking and meditating in the mountains outside of Santa Fe,( where he lived before moving to Taos) one day and getting the name and tag line FREQ – as in frequency – Change Your Vibration.

Op.Cit Books

When Moby Dickens Bookshop closed its doors during the first week of July, there was a sense of collective mourning here in Taos.

High Horse

Ed Sandoval, whom you met here on the blog as his alter ego, Zorro, is one of Northern New Mexico’s most accomplished and collected artists.


I’ve profiled Jen Weddle and her work here on taoStyle before, but her new pieces deserve more than a passing mention.