Yoga On The Go

The health benefits of a regular yoga practice are well known.

But there are so many other benefits to a regular yoga practice that go beyond your physical body. 

Studio classes are a great way to feel the physical benefits of yoga but when you’re away from the studio either traveling or just unable to find time to make a class. There are other ways to stay committed to your practice even if life feels hectic.

Here are a few ways you can take your yoga practice off the mat and out of the studio.

Make a habit of practicing in the morning. Making yoga the first thing you do, can help you to be more present throughout the day, freeing up your mind, especially when traveling, to allow you to focus  on the experiences at hand.

Go with the flow! This is also especially important when you’re traveling and are away from your normal routine. Make sure to give yourself a break if you can’t fit in a full hour of yoga. 

There are times when you get to practice as planned, but sometimes other things come up. This mindset will help you become more fluid in your life and will increase your enjoyment of your practice time.

Try to find time to meditate. This aspect of a yoga practice is often overlooked but can be useful if you only have a few minutes to find a peaceful spot. Taking the time to meditate when the opportunity presents itself is a wonderful way to stay connected to your practice on the go.

Take deep breaths throughout the day, especially when stressful situations present themselves. When stretching, long, deep breaths will help you relax and maintain the posture. You can even use the breath to stretch further. Rest in the asana and feel the stretch. 

This too can be taken into your everyday life,  because stressful situations will always arise, and when things feel overwhelming, the best thing you can do is breathe in deeply and stay with the breath.

Incorporating yoga into your daily life can be easy and fun. Because it is not just exercise; it’s a way of life that offers the opportunity to become more connected to yourself and to others.

With the Ides of March (15th), approaching, you may be ready for a class to help keep you focused through the ebb and flow of life’s challenges. Reema Datta, is offering a workshop on Yoga for Emotional Healing, work she has an extensive background in, and teaches worldwide.

When everything gets back on track, Shree’s beautiful floor is always ready for your regular practice to kick in once more!

For more information on the workshop and Shree Yoga Taos, check out their site below.







Post by Lydia Martinez

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