If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll have noticed that hair color, as in real color has made its way from Manic Panic Punk Purple and Green to the mainstream.
No longer limited to bottle blonde or shoe polish black, instead we are now seeing a rainbow of colour adorning the heads of many a brave woman (and man).
With every nuanced variation in between, hair colour is definitely a major trend that keeps women coming back to the salon for more than the traditional single process and or lowlights, highlights and root touch ups. Delta Cossete-Bayer at Salon X is on the cutting edge of the Color Movement so I thought it was time to ask a few questions about hair color and how the Industry is changing.
1) You have had extensive training as a stylist and are a member of the distinguished Board of American Certified Colorists, can you tell us a little about your journey as a hair stylist and how you came to take that exam?
By nature I tend to be one who seeks out knowledge and new interests, so it was only inevitable that as a stylist I would do the same. I heard about the exam and signed up on a whim before I actually new what I was signing up for. It wasn’t until I started studying that I realized I was in a bit over my head. That being said, I spent months and hundreds of hours studying. In the end, my family was definitely happy to have our house free of mannequin heads and coloring supplies! I took the 8 hour exam in Atlanta and it was brutal. I had to wait a week for the results. I could hardly believe I passed for most people it takes 2-3 times. I’m the 2,403rd person to have passed the exam, I believe in 15 years. I’m definitely proud of myself.

2) As the only member of that board in Taos, how has it impacted your business – are you sought out by clients for color corrections etc, who might not have come to you before?
It’s not something people tend to know about. It is really something that was a personal achievement. I do tend to have a pretty large color clientele, but I’m not sure most know about the certification unless they were with me while I was studying for it.

3) You are also a whizz with the scissors – do you still enjoy cutting or has color become your main focus?
I love doing both! I don’t like to get caught up in doing too much of any one thing. That is where continuing education keeps me inspired.

4) How has hair color changed since you first started out in the biz?
When I began as a stylist it was, “do you want a partial or full highlight, roots, single process, and maybe some low lights.” I still use those techniques but also incorporate many other techniques as well.Hair color is actually changing quite quickly now; the technologically and the techniques. My new favorite educator that I have been studying under is Misael Aponte. It is always exciting to have someone make you look at what you do in a whole new light!

As you can see from these photographs, Delta’s ouvre runs the gamut from shocking neo-punk to sun kissed blonde.
Your wish is her command and if you are feeling a bit washed out, there’s no better quick fix. Delta also uses non toxic, ammonia free color for the very sensitive among us.

For much more on Salon X and all the services they offer, please visit their site linked below.
All photos taken by Delta except for shot of Delta taken by Patrick Trujillo